A downloadable tool
/* *** ** * ** *** ** *
.. . pingu . ..
by r043v/dph
game Jam #1 submition
>>> we don't need games, we need apt !
pingu is an apt manager,
it allow you to install / remove packages of the unofficial gameshell apt repo,
apt server repo was write for & is a full part of this entry,
check clockwork pi forum for more information and for i hope,
some long discution around policies of packages,
submissions, location war & utils madness
for a more robust gameshell ecosystem
- Keys
* use left & right to move aroud menu
* A to install a package & confirm
* Y to remove a package
* menu to quit
/r- in 2019 !
* ** *** ** * ** *** */
Install instructions
- Setup -
to install gameshell repo & pingu on your handled add them by ssh :
wget -qO - | sudo apt-key add -
sudo apt-get install gs-pingu
you will found pingu under utils menu entry
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